
Explore solutions to common issues and enable a smoother user experience.
Sync & Integrations
My iCloud Sync Is Not Working
To keep all your Apple devices up to date, you can use iCloud to sync your data. Occasionally, the automatic iCloud sync doesn’t work, and new tasks...
My Structured Cloud Is Not Working
The Structured Cloud is our own sync solution to sync your devices seamlessly. As this is still a beta feature, you might experience some hiccups. H...
My Apple Watch Is Not Syncing
Sometimes the Apple Watch is stuck in an endless syncing loop or not syncing at all. Unfortunately, this issue is often due to iCloud, which means we ...
I Don't Receive the Structured Cloud Log-In Email
If you don't receive the Structured Cloud login email, check your spam folders and whether you entered the correct email address . In rare ca...
I Cannot Log In to Structured Web
Sometimes, users might experience issues when logging in to Structured Web . Usually, this issue can be resolved easily. However, as Structured Web i...
My Imported Events or Tasks Don't Show Up in Structured
On Apple devices, you can import external calendars and to-do lists into Structured. However, sometime users face the issue that one or more of th...
My Deleted Imported Events Still Show Up In Structured
Occasionally, deleted events or tasks from your external calendars or to-do lists might still show up in Structured. However, usually, this can be add...
My Structured AI Shows an Error Message
Occasionally, the Structured AI displays an error message . Usually, this can be fixed easily. Following, you can learn more about the different erro...
Tasks & Timeline
I Cannot Edit My Recurring Tasks
Occasionally, it happens that you cannot edit or delete your recurring tasks. This issue can either affect your preset “Rise and Shine” and “Wind D...
I Cannot Edit My “Wake Up!” and “Sleep Well!” Tasks
Sometimes it happens that you cannot edit or delete your preset “Rise and Shine” and “Wind Down” tasks. It may also happen that they duplic...
My Imported Structured Events Are Flashing or Uncheck Themselves
Sometimes imported events or to-dos from your Calendar or Reminders app are flashing, keep appearing and disappearing or uncheck themselves ...
My Imported Events Duplicate
Sometimes imported events or to-dos from your Calendar or Reminders app appear duplicated in Structured. This can usually be fixed easily. In case...
I Don't See Tasks on Mac
Sometimes tasks might be invisible on Mac . Meaning, you create a task on Mac or on another device, but it does not show up in your Mac timelin...
My Music Stops Playing When Checking off Tasks
If your music stops playing when checking off tasks or adding new tasks in Structured, your app version is probably outdated. Please ensure to update ...
My Structured App Shows the Wrong Date
In rare cases, the Structured app shows an incorrect date, meaning the date does not match the weekday. Usually, this can be fixed easily. First, ensu...