My Structured Widget Is Missing, Blurry, or Empty
Sometimes Structured doesn’t show up as a widget option in your widget gallery, or the widgets are not updating. This issue is commonly caused by iOS. If you are facing issues with missing widgets or widgets that appear empty, blurry or not updating, check out the following troubleshooting.
Widget Is Missing
Ensure that your Structured app and iOS are up to date.
You can also try to restart your device.
As a last resort, you could try to delete and reinstall the Structured app. Please ensure to create a Backup before doing so, as this step might delete all of your data in Structured.
Widget Is Not Updating
Ensure that your Structured app and iOS are up to date.
Delete the widget, restart your device and re-add the widget
Add a smaller widget and check off one of your tasks in the small widget. This should trigger an update on all of your other widgets as well.
Alternatively, you can try to edit one of your current tasks on the widget and see if the widget is updating now.
Choose a Smaller Widget
Since iOS 18, there have been increased issues with not updating, empty or blurry widgets. However, it seems like this primarily affects the large widgets. Therefore, we suggest adding a smaller widget, until Apple resolves the issue on their end.
Switch to Structured Cloud Sync
Another approach to resolve the issue with blurry or not updating widgets is our Structured Cloud, as an alternative to the iCloud sync. You can learn how to enable Structured Cloud sync here below the iCloud sync section: How to Sync Structured Across Your Devices