Getting Started With Structured


Structured is a simple day planner that brings your to-do’s and events to one place. Here is a quick guide to help you get started with the most essential functions of Structured.

Where is What?

When opening Structured, the first thing you will see is the daily timeline. Here, you can plan your day by filling it with tasks. On the left side you can see the time of day and by tapping one of the dates at the top you can jump to any day of the week.

Swipe the line of dates horizontally to switch to the next or previous week. At the very bottom of your screen, you can see the tab bar, including the following symbols:


Here, you can save all of your tasks that don’t have a specific date or time and thus don’t belong in your timeline. In your inbox, you can also dump all to-dos running through your head, so you don't forget them.

Learn more about how to use the inbox here.


Tapping the Timeline button, enables you to access the weekly and monthly view. Learn more about the weekly and monthly view here.

Please note that the weekly view is not available yet on Android devices and Structured Web.

Structured AI

The Structured AI is an AI-based tool that helps you to organize your day by creating or editing tasks for you. Learn more about how to use the Structured AI here.

Please note that the Structured AI requires ⭐️ Structured Pro and is not available yet on Android devices and Structured Web.


In the Structured settings, you can adjust plenty of things. For example, you can change the color or layout of Structured, adjust the language, set default notifications or integrate other calendars, to-do lists or app into Structured.

Set up Your First Daily Schedule

You can see that your timeline already contains two tasks: “Wake up!” and “Sleep well!”. These were created to give you a frame of reference on how to fill your day. You can, of course, adjust these to the actual times you wake up and go to bed.

To create your first task, tap on the large plus sign in the lower-right corner of the page. After typing in a title, you can set a time and duration for your task. Structured was made to hold even your most mundane tasks, to encourage you to organize every part of your day. So don’t be afraid to include tasks like “Breakfast”, “Take a shower”, and “Buy tomatoes”.

Every task can also contain several subtasks and notes. These can be used to split up large tasks into smaller accomplishable steps and to keep extra information about your tasks like an address or phone number.

For more information about tasks, check out: How to Create, Edit & Delete Tasks.

Keep Track of Your Routines

We all have certain repeating tasks that we do every day, every week, once a month or once a year. These include daily lunch, a regular team meeting, or cleaning the fridge.

In Structured, all of these tasks can be created as recurring tasks. The schedule of a recurring task can be set to any interval you need. You can, for example, remind yourself to call your grandma every second Sunday, create a task for your gym workout on three days of the week, or set a reminder to clean your windows every four months.

To create a recurring task, tap on the large plus symbol, choose a name and time for your task and then set an interval in the How often? section.

Learn more about recurring tasks here: How to Create Recurring Tasks.
Please note, that this is a feature that requires ⭐️ Structured Pro.

Never Miss Your Tasks Again

To ensure you don’t miss an appointment, meeting, or deadline, Structured provides you with the option of setting notifications for your tasks.

When creating a task, scroll down to the Need alerts? section, and choose when you want to be reminded of that task. In the ⚙️ Structured Settings, you can also change the sound of the alert.

To find out more about notifications, check out: How to Enable Notifications & Alerts.

Save Your To-Dos for Later

Sometimes we have things on our mind that need to get done, but we just haven’t found the right time. The inbox is the perfect place for these types of tasks. Save all your to-dos here, until you find a time to accomplish them. Then you can either check them off directly in the inbox, or insert them into a free time slot on your timeline.

Read more about the inbox here: How to Use the Inbox.

Organize & Customize Your Tasks

Drag & Drop

Structured offers many ways to simplify organizing your days. If your schedule changes, use drag & drop to move your tasks around on your timeline. You can also drag a task from the inbox into your timeline when you have found a free time slot. Or the other way around when you change your mind about doing something.

Task Icons

Customizing your tasks makes the coordination of your timeline straightforward. When creating a task, you can choose a specific icon from a wide icon selection. This provides you with a clear overview of your tasks by just glancing at your timeline.

Color Coding

With Structured, you can also use color coding to your advantage. Use different colors for your tasks to categorize them into work, school, meals, chores, and fun. Or make your inbox more manageable by coloring your tasks according to urgency.

Stay on Top of Your Days

To keep your day perfectly organized, use Structured across multiple devices and stay in sync. Plan your tasks on a larger screen for a clear overview, check your schedule on your phone anytime, and easily tick off completed tasks on your Apple Watch. This way, you can seamlessly manage your day and stay productive with minimal effort!

Learn more about syncing Structured across devices here: How to Sync Structured Across Your Devices.

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