How to Copy a Task or Day
Copying tasks or a complete day can be useful, for example if you did not manage to finish a task or have another day planned with a similar timeline.
Following, you can learn how to copy a specific task or a whole day. Please note that the copy day feature requires Structured 4.1.0 or more recent versions and is not available on 🤖 Android and 🌐 Structured Web yet.
Copy Task
To duplicate a single task:
Tap on the respective task and select Duplicate.
You can then edit the task to take place on another day or on the same day at a different time. Moreover, you can adjust the color, name, and icon of the task.
After you have made your changes, tap Duplicate Task.
Copy Day
It is also possible to duplicate an entire day's schedule into another one. This can be useful when you are planning multiple similar days, for example when you are studying for exams. Please note that this feature requires at least Structured 4.1.0.
To copy tasks from an entire day into another day:
Go to the respective day you want to copy tasks from.
Long press the respective date and select Copy Tasks From Day.
Now, you can choose whether you only intend to copy Regular Tasks, Recurring Tasks, Calendar Events or to-dos from Reminders. Afterward, select Copy Tasks.
Go to the respective day you intend to copy the tasks to.
Long press the date and select Paste from xx Month.
You can copy a certain day's tasks in as many other days as you wish. Simply repeat the steps 4 and 5 above to copy certain day's tasks into other days.
Please note that Structured will only copy imported events or tasks in Structured, not in your external calendar or to-do list.