Where Do I Find My Structured Log In Credentials?


Structured does not have accounts yet. However, if you use Structured Web or Structured Cloud, you might ask yourself, what email address you have to enter to log in.

What Email Should I Use to Log in to Structured Web?

Recently, we have introduced Structured Web, which can be used on almost any device's browser, regardless of the operating system.

When logging in to Structured Web, you automatically create a Structured Cloud account. Meaning, your Structured Web account and Structured Cloud account are exactly the same thing.

If you already use Structured on an Apple or Android device and aim to sync data with Structured Web, you can simply use your Structured Cloud account used on your Apple or Android device.

Where Do I Find My Structured Cloud Email Account?

You want to log in to Structured Web or Structured Cloud on another device, but forgot which email address you used to log in? No problem!

Head over to your in-app ⚙️ Settings and tap on Structured Cloud on top of the General section. Here, you will find your email address used in the Account field. Use this email address to log in to Structured Web or Structured Cloud on other devices.

If you don't see the Structured Cloud option in the General section, it is probably because you have iCloud sync enabled on your Apple device. In that case, you have to enable Structured Cloud first, as described in the next section.

I Use iCloud Sync not Structured Cloud Sync

If you have an Apple device, iCloud sync is enabled as the default sync. However, if you aim to use Structured Web or also have an Android device you want to sync data with, you must enable and log in to Structured Cloud sync, as iCloud is an Apple service only.

You can learn more about how to enable Structured Cloud on Apple devices here.

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