How to Change The Color of a Task


Adjusting the color of your tasks can help you to distinguish between tasks. In this article, you can learn how to change the color of your tasks and how to edit the presets of your color palette.

Please note that some of the features are not available on 🤖 Android and 🌐 Structured Web yet. Moreover, some of the features require ⭐️ Structured Pro.

Adjust the Color of Your Task

You can adjust the color of your task, either when creating the task or editing the task in the What color? section. Here, you will see a selection of our default Structured colors. By swiping to the left on the color palette, you will see all the presets. By tapping More... on the top-tight, you can see all colors at a glance.

In the More... section, you will be provided with more options to adjust the color of your task. Some of these adjustments require Structured Pro. In the following sections, you will learn more about the free and Structured Pro color adjustment features.

Free Color Adjustments

As a free user of Structured without Structured Pro, you have three options to adjust the color of your tasks:

  1. You can select one of the colors of our preset color palette.

  2. You can use the color sliders to select your preferred color.

  3. You can enter the HEX color code in the top right field next to the # symbol.

When changing the color while updating a task, remember to tap Update Task to save your changes.

As a free user of Structured, you cannot edit any of the existing presets or store any new presets, as this requires Structured Pro. If you want to choose a customized color for different tasks, you can simply copy the HEX color code and enter it when creating other tasks. Please note that the HEX color code feature is not available on Android and Structured Web yet.

Edit Color Palette Presets

As a Structured Pro user on Apple devices, you can also edit the color palette and add your own colors to the Presets. Now, you can store up to 12 Presets. You can also rearrange the order of the color palette. When changing the color while updating a task, remember to tap Update Task to save your changes.

Add New Colors to Presets

To save your favorite color as a personal Preset, choose your color by using the color sliders or the HEX color code field. Afterward, tap one of the plus symbols in the bottom row. Now, your newly created color is stored as a Preset.

Rearrange Order of Color Palette

To rearrange the order of the color palette, simply drag and drop the colors in your favorite order. If you intend to use a color more frequently, simply drag it in the top row. Now, when creating or editing tasks, the color will appear as one of your default colors.

Delete Colors from Presets

You can also delete colors from the presets. To do so, tap on Edit in the top-right corner and tap the red circled minus symbol. Remember to tap Done in the top-right corner once you are finished.

You can always restore the original Structured color palette by tapping the arrow in the editing mode.

Color Code Tasks for Productivity

You can also use the tasks' colors to your advantage by color coding your tasks. To learn more about this, check out: How to Color Code Your Tasks.

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