šŸ How to Customize Notifications on Apple Devices


Notifications can help you to stay on track and remember important tasks. At the same time, sometimes it is important to silence notifications to avoid getting distracted by them. That's why in Structured you are in full control of your notifications and can decide when you want to be reminded of what.

In this article, you can learn how to customize notifications on šŸ Apple devices. If you have an šŸ¤– Android device, click here.

Please note that this is a premium feature that requires ā­ļø Structured Pro.

Enable Notifications

To dive into the customization of Structured notifications, they must be enabled first on your device. Learn how to do this over here:Ā How to Enable Notifications & Alerts on Apple Devices.

Notification Sound

In total, we offer more than 35 notifications sounds with a wide variety of notification styles. Whether you would like to get notified in a classic manner, require long or annoying notification sounds, or want to hear someone read out to you to get structured now, you will find your match!

To change the sound of your notifications:

  1. Go into your āš™ļø Structured Settings

  2. Tap on theĀ Notifications & AlertsĀ entry in the General section.

  3. Here, tap onĀ Sounds. Now, you can choose from different notification sounds. Simply tap on the name of a sound to hear a preview of it.

  4. To set your favorite sound, simply tap it.

Notification Sounds for Specific Tasks

As described above, in your āš™ļø Structured Settings you can set your default alert. However, if you have a task that requires an alternative sound, for example an important task like calling your landlord, you can manually adjust this.

  1. Tap on the respective task and select Edit.

  2. Scroll down to the Needs alerts? section.

  3. Tap on None on the top-right.

  4. Now you will see our whole selection of different notification sounds. Select the once suitable for your respective event.

  5. Close the notification sounds window by tapping on the big x in the top-right corner and tap Update Task.

Timing of Alerts

Default Alerts for Timeline Tasks

The next step in setting up your custom notifications is deciding on when you want to be alerted about a task. The default alerts are: At the start of a task and at the end of a task. You can eliminate any of these alerts by tapping the big x on the right. They will still be visible but crossed out. You can always enable them as default alerts again by tapping on them.

If you wish to be notified ahead of your upcoming task, you can also adapt this list by tappingĀ Add New Alert. Here, you can either select one of the preset times (1 minute, 5 minutes or 15 minutes) or adjust your individual time using the time wheels, and afterward tapĀ Add Alert.

You can also change the time point of a notification for each task individually, or switch off the alerts completely for a single task. You can do this by tapping on a task in your timeline and selectingĀ Edit Task. Be aware that after changing the alerts for an individual task, it wonā€™t be affected by changes to the default notifications anymore.

Please note that due to technical restrictions on Apple's side, it is not possible to set an alert for more than 3 hours before a task begins.

Default Alerts for All-Day Tasks

Since all-day tasks donā€™t begin at a specific time, you can choose when you want to be reminded of them. The default setting for all-day tasks is a reminder at 8:00 am on the day of the task. However, just like for timeline tasks, you can add a different alert and also adjust it for every task individually as described above.

Alerts For Imported Tasks

When importing a calendar or to-do list into Structured, you cannot customize them in Structured, but can decide whether you want to be notified of the imported tasks.

OpenĀ Notifications & AlertsĀ in the āš™ļø Structured Settings. Here, you can enable notifications for Calendar Events and Task from Reminders separately. The time point of the notification for imported calendar events will be the one you have set in your calendar app.

Alerts on Apple Watch

Some Apple Watches donā€™t display the titles of alerts. Therefore, you might not see the names of your tasks on your Structured Apple Watch alerts. If you experience this problem, openĀ Notifications & AlertsĀ in the āš™ļø Structured Settings and enableĀ Only use notification body. This way you will always see which task is coming up.

Device's Settings

You can further customize your Structured notifications by changing the notification settings of your Apple device. OpenĀ Notifications & AlertsĀ in the āš™ļø Structured Settings and tap onĀ Open System SettingsĀ to get straight to the relevant section.

Here you can choose where on your screen the Structured notifications will appear and how they will look. You can also disable their sound. If you want the Structured notifications to break through focuses, you can enableĀ Time-Sensitive Notifications.