How to Create Recurring Tasks

We all have some things we want to do regularly. Maybe you would like to stretch every morning, or always have a certain class on Mondays. Whatever it is, part of our schedule repeats itself over and over again. To avoid creating the same task every week, you can create recurring tasks. These tasks repeat on a given schedule (daily, weekly or monthly) and will automatically appear at the assigned time.

Please note that these are premium features that require Structured Pro.

Creating a routine with recurring tasks

To get started, create a normal task with the plus sign and edit the task to your liking. In the section How often? you can choose an interval in which the task should recur by selecting Daily, Weekly, or Monthly.

You can set the interval to any regular pattern you want. When selecting Daily you can adjust the interval also to every second, third, or 56th day with the plus and minus signs. By selecting Weekly, you can choose a single or multiple days of the week and also adjust the rhythm to any number of weeks. The same goes for the Monthly pattern, this is also where you can set if something should only happen Annually. Here, be aware that if you set a task to recur on a day that does not exist in every month (like the 31st), it will be set on the last day of every month (e.g. the 28th of February).

Here are some ideas on how to use the customizable intervals:

Adjusting the start and end date

By default, a recurring task starts on the day you created it and runs indefinitely. If that's not what you need, you can tap the Starting on ... phrase on the right and adjust the start and end date. There you will also see how often a task will be repeated.

Updating a recurring task

When your plans change, you might need to update a recurring task. To do so, you can just go ahead and edit the recurring task like any other task. Once you hit the Update Task button, you'll be presented with three different options.

  • Update this task only: This will only change the task which you initially selected. Task on other days will not be affected. This task will then be detached from the other recurring instances.

  • Update all future tasks: This will apply the changes to the selected task and all following tasks. The previous tasks will be detached and will not be affected by any subsequent changes.

  • Update all tasks: This will change every task, past, present, and future. Choose this option if you want to correct a previous mistake you made.

Please note that these are premium features that require ⭐️ Structured Pro.