How to Use Structured With Shortcuts


With Apple Shortcuts and Structured you can access predefined Shortcuts that can be used with Siri and Spotlight. Build your own workflows, automations, or even entire features to work quicker with your daily schedule.

The Shortcuts App

Shortcuts act as fast tracks for your Structured tasks, offering quick and efficient routes to get things done. The app comes preinstalled on your iOS or Mac Device, containing pre-generated shortcuts ready for immediate use in Shortcuts, Spotlight, and Siri.

Structured App Shortcuts

To find the Structured shortcuts open your Shortcuts app, scroll through All Shortcuts, and navigate to the Structured section, where you'll find all the presets listed.

For more customized functionality, advanced users have the option to create Custom Shortcuts. These are personalized shortcuts crafted by users using one or multiple actions within the Shortcuts app. Additional detailed information on creating Custom Shortcuts can be found here. Further down in the article, you can also find our preset custom shortcuts.

Using Shortcuts With Siri

To run shortcuts with Siri, you can use the shortcut name or any natural-language synonym. Here are some examples - you can find the full list here:

  • Today’s Schedule - try “Check today’s schedule in Structured”

  • Focus Mode - try “Focus Now with Structured”

  • Show Inbox - try “Show my Structured inbox”

Using Shortcuts With Spotlight

When you search for 'Structured' on your device, your Top Hits will pop up. Just tap one to run it instantly.

Additionally, you can search for specific App Shortcuts. For instance, try searching for Today's Schedule to instantly preview your schedule visually.

For the command Add New Tasks in particular, there are also three additional shortcuts based on the type of task. Use keywords like 'All-Day,' 'Timeline,' or 'Inbox' to add your preferred task type without any additional setup.

Once you start using Structured and add tasks, they'll appear in Siri, Shortcuts, and Spotlight too. Give it a try by finding your usual repeating tasks, one task you finished earlier today, or your first task for tomorrow morning.

Custom Shortcuts

Beyond the actions provided by Structured and the App Shortcuts, we’ve also put together a selection of preset shortcuts that match the App Shortcuts. These Custom Shortcuts go beyond just the default App Shortcuts, they offer customization, and a sequence of different functions to make your daily work easier. The best thing is that they are made to work great on macOS (where there are no default App Shortcuts).

Basic Shortcuts

These shortcuts are for anyone who wants simple implementation of Structured’s actions which offering more than just App Shortcuts by featuring distinct icons and colors.

Show my day in Structured

Gets you today’s full list of tasks and to-dos in a detailed preview.

Open today in Structured

Opens Structured to today’s timeline so you can view and drag around tasks as needed.

Show yesterday's tasks

Displays the list of tasks from yesterday so you can refresh your memory on what you were doing

Open yesterday in Structured

Jumps to the day prior so you can see and adjust your timeline of tasks.

Show tomorrow's tasks

Displays your upcoming tasks in a detailed preview.

Open tomorrow in Structured

Opens your timeline to the next day so you can see and adjust your upcoming task.

What’s in my Inbox?

Shows your Inbox tasks in a detailed preview.

Open my Structured Inbox

Opens Structured, shows your Inbox where you can view all tasks, plus add new tasks to the Inbox.

Check my daily schedule

Asks you to pick a specific day, then displays your tasks in a detailed preview.

Jump to date

Asks you to pick a specific day and opens your Structured timeline for that day.

Start Focus timer

Starts a focus timer for the current task – if none is present, asks you to create a new one for right now.

Task Shortcuts

These shortcuts help you to create one or a sequence of tasks with different actions from Structured combined with Shortcuts scripting capabilities

Quick task in Structured

Asks you for a title, then creates a new task and starts a Focus Timer (activates a Live Activity)

Add fully Structured task

Asks you to enter details for each property of a new task one-by-one – the title, day, time, duration, notes, and subtasks.

Add Structured checklist

Asks you to enter a task and subtasks, then the type of task and corresponding day and/or the time before opening your new task.

Add Structured routine

Using a pre-defined dictionary of task titles and durations, asks you for a start time for today and creates a series of new tasks in a row with a short break in between.

Add All-Day subtasks

Asks you to enter an All-Day task title, then pick a day, then subtasks before creating a new task.

Add daily routine

Asks you to enter a task title, time, and duration, then creates a new repeating task every day.

Add weekly task

Asks you to enter a task title, then pick a day of the week to repeat on, then whether the task should be all-day or at a specific time/duration on the timeline before opening it.

Add monthly task

Asks you to enter a task title, date on the calendar, and timing for a new monthly repeating task before opening it.

Inbox Shortcuts

This list of shortcuts interacts with your Inbox in Structured, letting you efficiently drop in tasks, add all the necessary information, and turn items into full tasks as needed.

Pull up all my inboxes

Opens Structured alongside the Calendar and Reminders apps. Can look different depending on the device.

Add today’s plan to the inbox

Asks you to enter tasks, asks you to enter a duration for each new task before adding it to the inbox. Then, opens the inbox so you can drag tasks out to your timeline.

Add task blocks to inbox

Asks you to enter a single large task, then to create blocks of time to work on that task, and adds them all to the Inbox. Then, opens the Inbox so you can move things into your timeline.

Batch task details to inbox

Asks you to enter task titles, then repeats through each asking you for each tasks’ duration, notes, and subtasks before adding them to the inbox for later.

Add link to Structured inbox

Gets a link from the Share Sheet or your clipboard, gets the title of the webpage, and adds it with the URL as a task in your Inbox.

Retime my inbox tasks

Asks you to pick from your incomplete Inbox tasks, then repeats through each asking you to adjust the duration.

Assign inbox tasks to timeline

Asks you to pick from Inbox tasks, then repeats through each asking you to pick a time for today, then moves it to your Timeline.

Clean out my inbox

Gets your completed tasks from the Inbox, asks you to select from the full list, and deletes them.

Day Plan Shortcuts

These shortcuts are designed to be used when you’re in the midst of a day, new things pop up and your schedule needs to be reviewed quickly, to say on top of your timeline.

Add task at the top of the hour

Asks you to enter a title, then gets the start of the next hour and adds the task then (if it’s 9:15 am, your task will start at 10 am).

Add task for later today

Asks you to enter a task title and time, then adds it to your timeline today.

Review link later tonight

Looks for a link on your clipboard or from the Share Sheet, extracts the title, and assigns it as a task due at 7pm tonight.

Show my next task

Gets the next task from today’s schedule and shows it to you.

Show my to-dos for the day

Checks your schedule for incomplete, non-recurring, non-All-Day tasks and shows them in a preview.

Clean up today’s timeline

Asks you to pick from today’s non-recurring, incomplete tasks, then deletes the tasks (and hides any Reminders or Calendar Events).

Check my weekend schedule

Presents your list of tasks for Saturday, then Sunday one after another.

Lay out my upcoming schedule

Asks you to pick a date, then repeats through the list of dates between then and now, presenting your schedule for each consecutive day in a detailed preview.

Edit Shortcuts

With these shortcuts, you can fully edit your tasks, leading to some powerful integrations and handy Siri workflows.

Reschedule my unfinished tasks

Gets incomplete, non-recurring tasks from yesterday, asks which ones to you want to change, then repeats through each, asks you to pick a new date for each.

Complete yesterday's tasks

Gets the full list of tasks from yesterday and marks all of them as complete.

Copy task to now

Asks you to pick a date, gets the non-recurring tasks for that day, asks you to pick which tasks to duplicate, then adds the new tasks to the current timeline and starts a focus timer for that task.

Recolor daily tasks

Asks you to pick from the list of today’s non-recurring tasks, then repeats through each, presenting a list of colors and changing the task to your new choice.

I'm finished

Looks for incomplete tasks from the day, asks you to pick one, and marks it as complete.

Mark off today's tasks

Checks today’s schedule for incomplete tasks, selects them all, and asks you to pick which one to mark completed.

Clear my schedule

Looks for incomplete and non-recurring tasks, asks you to pick from the list, and moves the task off the Timeline back into the Inbox.

Adjust my daily routines

Gets your recurring daily events, asks you to pick which ones to change, and repeats through the list, asking you to change the Start Time for each.

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