Report Bugs


Your bug reports are crucial to develop Structured in the right direction and maintain a seamless workflow for everyone.

Feedback Board

In case you experience any issues with Structured, you can file a bug report on our Feedback Board or upvote existing ones. This helps other users to join the discussion, and we can prioritize issues better via the upvote feature.

  1. To use the Feedback Board, you first have to sign up or sign in.

  2. If you would like to file a bug report, you have to click on Create A New Post and choose the 🐛 Bug Reports option.

Customer Support

If you are experiencing problems with payments or specific issues you would rather not share publicly, you can always contact use via the Contact Us button at the top of this website. Alternatively, you can email us to

Pro Tip: When contacting us, it can help to include your Structured User ID in your request.

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